A perspectiva do oprimido na Alemanha Nazista
O triângulo rosa
Homosexual, Nazism, Paragraph 175, Oppressed, InvisibilityAbstract
Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator who was exiled during the dictatorship in 1964, was the first writer in the country to bring as center of conjectural analyzes the oppressed conditions in face of the multiples faces of the reality of oppression. Freire had as base in his texts his experiences, before and after the exile, as well as his educator-student condition. The objective of this present article is exploring the dimensions of the oppressed in the context of nazi Germany with the homo-sexuals. Highlighted with a pink triangle in concentration fields, this population has seen themselves in the illegality from the deepening of Paragraph 175 in the German Penal Code which had the function of forbidding love relationships be-tween two men. Justification of German State for incarcerate thousand of men was, not being able to reproduce the Aryan race, they were considered enemies of German population. The text lines out the panorama where homosexuals lived since the beginning of XX-th century until postwar, raising the question: is there a neutrality in the invisibility of this population in face of happenings of Holocaust? Invisibility that continues and develop as the decades go by, until now a days.References
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