Pedagogia da convivência
Elza e Paulo Freire
Elza Freire, Paulo Freire, Youth And Adult Education, Pedagogy Of CoexistenceAbstract
The article presents research results stitched the political-pedagogical living and loving couple Freire: Elza and Paulo. The objective is to demonstrate contributions and influences for the Brazilian education and, in particular Adult Education in-strumentalized by paths Elza Freire. Characterization happens in the time frame between 1916/1964, and assumes another dimension from marriage to Elza and Paulo Freire in 1944, in Recife. Anchored on documentary and non-documentary sources, according to the qualitative approach, the structure is analyzed, foun-dation and consolidation of experiences with adults, is, the genesis of this edu-cation in Brazil and, concomitantly, training and professional experience of Elza. The focus is given on her participation, looking from another angle broaden the understanding around his work and the political-educational and socio-cultural ambience which emerged the couple. The research shows, for example, to the redefinition of this field of study, identifying the legacy of Elza Freire to education and their participation in thought and praxis of Paulo Freire especially from 1940s.References
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