Saberes y contextos
perspectivas desde el pensamiento crítico
Knowledge, Context, Critical ThinkingAbstract
The purpose of the study is to reflect on schools from a critical perspective, and understand from the social context and its impact on culturally. For this purpose, it is essential to know “knowledge and contexts,” assuming an epistemic stance of the new forms of education-is, characterization and diagnostics, monitoring and in-depth study of contexts, knowledge and skills that meet the new demands of society and its social value added to critical thinking, attitudes and emancipator y generator positions also analyzing the words, speeches, ideas that are made on these issues and work with a thought from the critical towards the emancipation, in the perspective of popular education, taking into account the social, cultural, what happens within the family, communities, their realities and contexts, their life experiences, their knowledge, to approach three substantial elements: Di-alogue with others facing the world: Thoughts and/or Knowledge Críticos.-The educational and training activity content críticos.-The incorporation of criteria and strategies with emphasis on the emancipator y education.References
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