Educational revolution, Freirian speech, Liberating education, Morphsyntactic‑‑semantic relation, Neologisms, Oppressed.Abstract
This text examines some neologism of Paulo Freire in his morphsyntactic ‑semantic relation to understand in depth his praxis, since they were created along his walk, in act committed with the struggle for liberation of the oppressed. It discusses the intention of the thinker of education in building a discourse that accounted for his epistemological ideals of education with accuracy, with the purpose to demonstrate that the educational revolution only is possible by the recognition of otherness and the transformation of thought is really effected by the act in the world and by the act for the world through the eyes of the oppressed. In addition, we seek to corroborate the hypothesis that the expressions were created and placed strategically in the context to give expressive power and semantic consis‑tency to the analysis of a reality and make clear his political ‑educational option for the oppressed. In this research are analyzed some aspects of these structures to establish its importance in speech and defend that Freire has produced a work of sociolinguistic and epistemological unquestioned value, because more than create words to account for record accurately his speech translated all anguish and outrage of the popular masses.References
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