
  • Daniele Thomaz Oliveira Author


Eco-pedagogy, Planetary consciousness, Pedagogical actions


This article records an educational process aimed at the formation of a planetary consciousness in the school. The study was aimed to observe and describe the development of pedagogical actions in a class of basic education, with students / the eight-nine years, these practices, which were designed based on ecopedagogy and were based on the document “Charter Earth” After analysis and characterization of the class and the reality in which they were inserted, were planned and developed pedagogical actions that led to the development of attitudes more aware and committed to a harmonious relationship with the planet. Interventions were beyond what was proposed, because they enabled greater involvement and a new look pedagogical coordination in relation to ecopedagogy, which resulted in the proposed inclusion of the same in Eco-Political-Pedagogical Projects (EPPP) of the school unit.

Author Biography

  • Daniele Thomaz Oliveira

    Daniele Thomaz Oliveira é formada em Pedagogia pela Universidade de Sorocaba e atua como professora nas redes municipais de ensino de Osasco e São Paulo.


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How to Cite

THE ECOPEDAGOGY AND OVERCOMING THE DISREGARD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. (2013). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 1(1), 72-81.