Paulo freire, Education, Inclusion.Abstract
The speed with which changes are occurring today requires, at the same rate, the need for increasingly creative and agile adaptation. Circumstances as experienced today differ substantially from those experienced a few years ago, when the way of thinking about the world and the relationship among men were rooted in the dichotomy between right and wrong, good and bad, normal and abnormal . The purpose of this study is to analyze Paulo Freire’s contribution to the movement of breaking up with the social and educational practices of exclusion toward building a paradigm of inclusion, seen in just about everywhere in the world at the end of the last century. The school institution, considered a space where inclusive education should be promoted, becomes an agent of exclusion, by reinforcing the marginalization of students that deviate from the established standards and imposed as “normal” by the educational system, multiplying situations of prejudice and discrimination. In Freire we found the principles of Inclusive Education, which refers, in our view, to questioning all exclusion processes that take place at school and in society with all subjects, and therefore seeks to develop an educational process that contemplates diversity.References
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