Popular education, Professional master, Freire’s pedagogy, Research and intervention.Abstract
The master in Management and Educational Practices at Nove de Julho University (Progepe ‑Uninove), initiated in 2012, it is an outgrowth of discussions made on Line Research in Educational Practices of the Post ‑Graduation in Education Program (PPGE) of this University. The organization of the new masters involved a group of researchers linked to Freire’s studies that took as reference his praxis, establish‑ing as foundation of the proposal and the research focus the practice field, since in Freire’s conception every theory has only epistemological legitimacy within a practice and its political legitimacy lies on qualify again the practice itself. From these assumptions, the program was structured with one area of concentration and three lines of research and “intervention” whose inquiry objects are confined to the universe of management and educational practices and besides it guides research activities for basic school issues. In addition, the program develops an inclusion policy in the post ‑graduation selection process when it introduces the “public factor” whereby teachers and administrators from public schools are se‑lected to become researchers of multiple aspects that involve their school reality. Corresponding to these guidelines, the Progepe brings to the field of postgraduate formation, theoretical and practical elements that underlie education practices and popular pedagogies.References
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