challenges and contributions of a lived experience
Inclusion, Equalness, Right to be differentAbstract
This article discusses the need to build schools open to differences. All people have the right to be equal and at the same time, different in life and also in school. The rigidity in the way schools are set up has hampered the work with differences, especially with disabilities. If no changes occur, rapid and profound, this work will always bring unnecessary anxieties and fears. The subject is controversial and our educational policies need to consider the challenge of facing them, so that schools become and meet the differences of all students. Proposes reflections on theories and laws that support inclusive education on the curriculum frameworks that guide education in Osasco and about an experience in Room Service Specialized Education (SAEE) a public school in the same county. Considers the importance of establishing partnerships with the school community and the network of support available in the county for this work to occur with quality and presents proposals that may contribute to the transformation of schools, making them legitimate schools of differences.
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