report of a practice


  • Jaqueline De Campos Gaigher Author


Reflection, Action, Continuing formation


The article discusses the continuing education of teachers, is part of the same set of activities in the course of specialization in Curriculum and Educational Practice, supporting pedagogical action of teachers in the early grades of school year fundamental, helping to raise the quality of teaching and learning English, proposing situations that encourage reflection and knowledge construction as a continuous process of teacher training, developing skills that enable understanding of language and its processes of teaching and learning.

Author Biography

  • Jaqueline De Campos Gaigher

    Jaqueline de Campos Gaigher atua como professora na rede municipal de ensino de Osasco.


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How to Cite

TEACHERS’S CONTINUING FORMATION PROGRAM: report of a practice. (2013). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 1(1), 179-186. https://revista.paulofreire.org/unifreire/article/view/19