Democracy, State And Society, Participatory DemocracyAbstract
This article performs a conceptual analysis of democracy and the challenges in contemporary times. Held in the context of the contribution of the “crop circles” promoted by Instituto Paulo Freire, Gaspar Garcia de Human Rights Centre and the Popular Movements Center, with the central theme “education, Democracy and Human Rights”. Our contribution will be a dialogue with the traditional de‑mocratic theory thinkers like Bobbio, Samson and others, as well as your Ranciére counterpoint and democratic perspective Borón ora letter by liberal thinking, now in dispute by classes popular and its claims. First, we will establish dialogue with liberal authors and the current time in the neo-liberal phase second reflect on the democratic paths through the social struggle that made possible the Cons‑titution of 1988 the emergence of participatory councils of public policies and experiences of participatory democracy as Participatory budgets (OP’s) and third rescue the Brazilian democratic process, their comings and goings in the history, the corporate projects in the Center concludes with the lessons of Chris and your defense of democracy as “universal value”.References
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