Paulo freire, Military coup, Popular education, Democracy, History of education.Abstract
To think about the Military Coup of 1964 in Brazilian education it must not be restricted to remember facts of the past as if they were completely surmounted. The idea is to analyze it and to show what still remains and how we can reverted. Moacir Gadotti shows that the hit on education was, above all, a hit on Popular Education, and that in spite of all the post evolution, this hit still has not been surmounted. He starts by the background, showing that the period the Country lived before the military coup was marked by a great enthusiasm with education and with development of social justice. Popular Education was a fundamental part in this process. The civil military coup ceased this process of social reform, repressing social movements and Unions and extinguishing popular educational politics as the National Educational Program of Paulo Freire. The dictatorship educational politic was based on the theory of the human capitalism of the Na‑tional Security, but its principal mark was repression. Eliminated the student’s representation, extinguished scientific courses, destroyed popular movements and reduced the capacity of students to influence on the destiny of national edu‑cation. Many marks of this politic still persist, among them technical systems and schooling that deny the political character of education. The author affirms that, 50 years later, this process must be re ‑thought and reverted into a new context of radicalization of democracy.References
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