aprendizagem com sentido emancipador
Cultural circle, Cyberculture, Paulo freire, Pedagogy of virtuality.Abstract
This paper presents a re ‑reading of the educational practice itself having the Cultural Circle and the pedagogical installation as learning strategy place, which aims the emancipatory sense in the pedagogy of virtuality. The centrality of the written text is an issue and other learning methodologies as well as research have challenged the traditional high education. The virtual educational practices, found in conventional universities, have challenged and queried us greatly about the critical use of techniques in controversial contexts. It is believed that the uni‑versity, which is open to contemporary culture, and welcome whom looks for it turns out to be aware of methodological guidelines in the pedagogy of virtuality that allows the critical appropriation of digital technologies. This research find a resonance in the theme proposed in IX International Meeting of Paulo Freire Forum (Torino, Italy, September 2014), particularly in the Cultural Circle of the meeting itself: Education for emancipation through existential art and commu‑nication. If we wish, reinvent the traditional university we have to use other the‑oretical and methodological orientations in the learning process in both virtual and face ‑to ‑face cultural circles as well as the network installation that involve art, media and cooperation.References
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