processos de transformação do cotidiano
Playtime, Power relations, Political ‑pedagogical project, School time and space.Abstract
The report presents reflections on the early dialogues made with children from a public school located in Santos city (SP ‑Brazil) regarding the concepts that they have on their playtime. Then we take the initial procedures for organizing profes‑sional Master’s Degree research in Education held by Janaina Melques Fernandes, under the direction of Frances E. Severino, in which the object is the playtime as a possibility to build a democratic time ‑space. The research aims to identify the possibilities and the difficulties to build collectively a playtime by a democratic way, taking into account the knowledge, the stories and proposals of all who work every day in it: students, cooks, inspectors and teachers occasionally. Thus, our task is not properly to define the concept of playtime, nor take it as a given space, between classes, where children rest, play and interact. On the contrary, we assume the playtime like a committed attitude of someone who does not want just to describe what goes on among children, or how it goes, but our attitude is committed with the transformation of the reality of this school space that may be just a little or nothing involved with connections learning. Just as Freire, who we take as theoretical framework, we believe that to work with education and to think about it, understand and contribute for the transformation of its institutions, is the politic action for democracy in school relations.References
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