
  • Emillyn Rosa Author
  • Francisca Eleodora Santos Author
  • Adriano Salmar Nogueira E Taveira Author


Teaching in kindergartens, Educational planning, Democratic renewal.


This paper describes the practice of a democratic planning with children from zero to three years old conducted by a teacher from the Santo André city (SP, Brazil). It is presented a democratic and participatory conceiving in planning development with children ensuring their rights. The results of the experiment were record‑ed by different features such as watching, sensitive listening and documentary record, concluding that, to build the act of planning collectively, we establish a democratic environment that contributes for the construction of autonomy, of citizenship and of meaningful learning as proposes the Pedagogy of Paulo Freire. In this sense, the documentation, the sensitive listening and the observation reveal themselves as agents of change, facilitating the construction of a new conception of child, as well as education and also a teacher, all that still needed in an unequal education system. The focus falls on the construction on the childish knowledge searching to explicit their reality, perceiving their relationship with the teacher, with the school and with the world. In an attempt to broaden the dialogue with children and with other educators, it was emphasized the importance of the childish knowledge, their needs and expectations as well as the socialization of experiences for the child education and the teacher formation in the context of multiples relations of the formative proposal.

Author Biographies

  • Emillyn Rosa
    Mestranda em Gestão e Práticas Educacionais (Progepe) na Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove). Pós‑‑graduada em Arte na Educação e graduada em Pedagogia. Contato:
  • Francisca Eleodora Santos
    Professora pesquisadora no campo de Gestão e Intervenção Educacional no Programa de Mestrado em Educação pela Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove). Coordena o Grupo de Pesquisas Escola Básica Gestão e Intervenção do diretório de pesquisas do CNPq. Contato:
  • Adriano Salmar Nogueira E Taveira
    Professor pesquisador da Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove) no Programa de Mestrado Profissional Gestão e Práticas Educacionais (Progepe). É Instrutor no curso/pesquisa: Gestão Cultural no Instituto Federal de Educação do Sul de Minas Gerais e assessora secretarias de Educação em pesquisa para a formação de quadros e elaboração de indicadores de qualidade na educação básica. Contato:


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How to Cite

PLANEJAMENTO DEMOCRÁTICO COM CRIANÇAS DE 0 A 3 ANOS. (2014). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 2(1), 105-110.