ensinar e aprender em diálogo com os saberes das crianças


  • Aparecida Arrais Padilha Author


Early childhood education, Dialogue, Light and shadow; playfulness in education, Freire’s praxis, Emancipatory teaching action.


This article presents an experience in childhood education developed in the municipal school of the education network of Sao Paulo, Brazil, entitled “Lights and Shadows as a pedagogic resource”. It shows the importance, in the eman‑cipatory teaching action, of the dialogue with the children’s knowledge using different artistic and cultural languages cultural and playfulness. It reports the practice that aimed to explore new spaces and times, creative and playful, so the children could express more joy, freedom and creativity, based on the observation of light and shadow, which also involved parents, family and other educators. The main finding here is the fact that all those involved worked in a participatory, collaborative and critical way, giving new meaning to their own practices and opening up to new learning.

Author Biography

  • Aparecida Arrais Padilha
    Pedagoga e arte ‑educadora. Professora efetiva de educação infantil e de ensino fundamental I na rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo, há 30 anos. Contadora de histórias, desenhista e ilustradora, já atuou como professora orientadora de informática educativa, como assistente de direção escolar e também como vice diretora na mesma rede de ensino. É autora do livro Peixe voa: a boniteza do olhar infantil (São Paulo: AAP, 2013). Contato: cidarrais@yahoo.com.br.


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How to Cite

A BONITEZA DO OLHAR INFANTIL NA PERSPECTIVA EMANCIPADORA: ensinar e aprender em diálogo com os saberes das crianças. (2014). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 2(1), 62-68. https://revista.paulofreire.org/unifreire/article/view/56