problematizando a produção de tecelãs


  • Amanda Motta Castro Author


Popular education, Feminism, Fender, Handcraft.


This text brings some reflections based on our doctorate research, which is still being carried out. Our perspective relies on Popular Education, feminism, handcraft and the invisibility of women’s production, and we seek to comprehend how the invisible pedagogical process of manual weaving happens in the city of Resende da Costa in Minas Gerais. Handcraft according to is an activity developed by the poorest people in the world, among these people we find women who are the majority in handcraft, especially when this handcraft is related to thread, lace, embroidery, crochet, knitting and weaving. On those threads, we find a production predominantly feminine, which is rich in technique, knowledge and art. To Richard Sennett (2010), the handcraft ability requires a high level of learning, based on that statement we understand that in the handcraft production there is pedagogy. Feminism points out that weaving is done mostly by women and for this reason it loses much of its social value and acknowledgement. Popular education points out that pedagogies developed on the margins of formal teaching institutions are socially less acknowledged and, according to Danilo Streck (2010), it is the task of Popular Education the unveiling of these pedagogies. In this text, we prompt to engage in dialogue with feminism and Popular Education, since we understand that this dialogue opens a way to the (re)acknowledgement of a production which has knowledge, but that is socially invisible.

Author Biography

  • Amanda Motta Castro
    Mestra em Educação pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) e doutoranda em Educa‑ção pela mesma instituição. Bolsista CAPES. Assistente de pesquisa do Programa Gênero e Religião da Faculdades EST. Tem ‑se ocupado em pesquisar os processos de produção do conhecimento realizados por mulheres tecelãs, a fim de analisar a complexidade da aprendizagem nesse contexto em articulação com a Educação Popular e os estudos feministas. Contato:


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How to Cite

EDUCAÇÃO POPULAR E ESTUDOS FEMINISTAS: problematizando a produção de tecelãs. (2014). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 2(1), 23-28.