challenges for teachers


  • Rosemeire Valentim Pazzini Author


Sexuality, Dialogue, Curriculum, Education, Sex education, Curiosity, School and family


This article discusses the importance of including in the educational practices with children in the fifth year of elementary school time and space to deal with issues related to sexuality, from reading that makes their own curiosities brought by students, based on a design curriculum devoted to the dialogue. The study took as reference the account of practices occurring in a public school in the city of Osasco. Presents the main questions brought by the fifth graders of elementary school, demonstrating that sexuality related to emotions, feelings and the way we relate to each other, brings unrest since childhood, they need to be heard by educators within the school context. As a challenge presented, the article will also make a study of the main difficulties encountered by teachers of that school and surrounding schools in dealing with these concerns. To demonstrate these difficulties, we used a qualitative methodology, with data collections made through semi-structured interviews covering topics of gender and sexuality as a category of analysis. As a result the study points to the need for schools and teachers to review their practices in relation to affective and sexual education of our children, because the topic is extremely interesting for students, demand pedagogical, social, cultural and health .

Author Biography

  • Rosemeire Valentim Pazzini

    Rosemeire Valentim Pazzini é pedagoga e professora efetiva nas redes municipais de ensino da cidade de São Paulo e Osasco, atuando na educação infantil e ensino fundamental. Especialista em Gestão Pública pela UTFPR. 


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How to Cite

SEXUALITY IN THE CUR|RICULUM OF “FIFTH YEAR” OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: challenges for teachers. (2013). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 1(1), 359-369.