challenges of an inclusive school with quality
Education, Inclusion, Diversity, FelicidadaniaAbstract
This article deals with the relationship curriculum and school enrollment, focusing on aspects that determine a good learning situation for intellectually disabled students enrolled in regular education in the city of Osasco met in Room Care Specialized Education (SAEE) a Municipal School of Basic Education (EMEF .) Aimed to reflect on the role of the teacher and the school as a whole, to ensure disabled students quality education to understand that the work can not be confined to ensuring a favorable environment for acquiring knowledge and building interpersonal relationships sound but essentially build conditions for the child to feel happy and accepted by the teacher, your group class and all school. Socializing and analyze two cases of inclusion, experienced in teaching network in the city of Osasco, that demonstrate how the participation of everyone in the school is of great importance to the acquisition of knowledge by the student, provided that there is effective monitoring and support in the performance of teacher, to ensure meaningful learning. Materials and environmental barriers are being gradually considered and met, but the attitudinal barriers still part of everyday life. Are barriers of consciousness or unconsciousness, the not knowing, prejudice, indifference, fear of difference, of difference. The fact that a child born with disabilities, is not determinant and determinant of your future. She is full of learning because the man is a historical being and becomes human because humans learn from others.
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