Inclusive education, Student development, Quality teacher training, Legal supportAbstract
This article aims to show the functioning of education in the regular school sys- tem, and what the teachers think of this challenge, which is largely responsible for the development or not, the student with special needs. The research aims to examine the daily lives of teachers who work with students including, seeking to show the difficulties encountered by these teachers, who speak of their griev- ances, contentment and suggest solutions so there is a possible improvement in the care and development of children with special needs, having as a major challenge to develop a work with children who have cognitive problems, for they are the most dependent on the teacher in other ways beyond learning. Data col- lection for research using crop circle, questionnaires and reports of experiences lived by the group of teachers in the classroom with their students. Cited were treated as documents and laws that supported the fight for the inclusion of chil- dren with special needs in the regular school system, which is being met or not by the government, in order to guarantee an education that really, include the child, guaranteeing you a comprehensive education and quality. Research confirmed that both the teachers, the school, are not prepared to meet the minimum quality, inclusion of students, especially those with cognitive disabilities. Given the lack of training that guides the teacher to work with children, the lack of commitment of some families and precariousness of professional support that should exist more effectively to support the work of the teacher in the classroom, feel these professionals are distressed, helpless, incapable of facing its countless difficulties experienced in everyday life, at work alone, perform with children, and most often, it is lacking in the quality of work with all students, whether they inclusion or not.
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