from oppression to transformation


  • João Novaes Neto Author


Planetary citizenship, Ecopedagogy, School community, Environment, Reality, Ribeirão Vermelho, Dream, Transformation


Given the importance of the problem and a survey was conducted which involved the whole school community to seek solutions to the constant stream of Ribeirão Vermelho and problems arising from floods. The ecological issue both in Brazil and in the world is an extremely important issue in education today. The Agenda Ecopedagogy/Planetary Citizenship/Environment are gaining importance in Brazil. We understand that the environmental issue in its historical Brazilian and considers the recognition of planetarity, which is nothing more than seeing the Earth as a living being, and to recognize that entails a new way of being and acting in relation to life. Thus, the environmental benefits of education more and more important

Author Biography

  • João Novaes Neto

    Professor Titular de Educação Infantil e do Ensino Fundamental I da Rede Pública Municipal de São Paulo e da Rede Municipal de Osasco. É habilitado pelo Cefam e pelo Curso Normal Superior da Uniararas.


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How to Cite

CITIZEN COMMUNITY: from oppression to transformation. (2013). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 1(1), 187-193.