Angola, Brazil, Mozambique Social Pedagogy, Language VarietiesAbstract
This article is derived from the experiences of the authors when implementing a Master’s Degree in Education through the partnership between The Faculty of Education of the University of São Paulo and the Higher Pedagogical School of Lunda Norte, Lueji A’Nkonde University, in Angola, when language issues acquired the dimension of an epistemological problem to be faced through scientific research. This article discusses the hegemonic tendencies of the Portuguese language over the local languages of Angola, Brazil and Mozambique, countries that have experienced the process of Portuguese colonization, and that, for some centuries, suffered the imposition of the language from Portugal as an expression of white, Christian and Western culture, including in the literacy of the new generations (SILVA, 2018). As a reflection of the colonial period, these countries have marginalized popular varieties of Portuguese that are enriched by the grammatical, discursive and rhetorical structures of African languages, and therefore considered erroneous versions of the standard norm, and target of stigmatizations (LUCCHESI,2009), (TIMBANE, 2011) and (UNDOLO, 2017). From the perspective of Education as a Right (SILVA,2010), we launched a look at the main laws, rules and educational regulations of these countries after independence, in the case of African countries, after the process of democratization in education, in the case of Brazil. As an alternative of resistance, and to incorporate the popular varieties of Portuguese (BARZOTTO, 2004) influenced by African languages in school daily life, we were inspired by Silva (2018), and adopted the Freirian Social Pedagogy perspective as a general theory for Popular, Social and Community Education, from the perspectives for an Education of the Future that goes beyond the Eurocentric matrices. Finally, we conclude that to include popular varieties of Portuguese in teaching is to question the Eurocentric curriculum that for centuries has assumed the standard norm as the only legitimate language for the production of knowledge. It is allowing the school to establish dialogic practice committed to literacy that does not mean breaking with the word-world brought by the student, pronounced by his people. (FREIRE, 1979) and (FREIRE, 1989).References
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