Dialogue, Interculturality, Educators Of Capoeira, DecolonialityAbstract
In the years of 2005 and 2007, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Florianópolis, there were two editions of the Training Course of Popular Educators of Capoeira in the Intercultural Perspective (PERI-Capoeira). After 15 years, we discussed the “thematic investigation” process experienced in that unprecedented experience. We return here to the centrality of the notion of dialogue, in the perspective of Paulo Freire, as the mainstay of the thematic research process, which allowed to organize educational practices, shared with professors and popular educators of capoeira in that time-space. We argue that a critical intercultural coexistence between educational agents is improved by dialogue. This emphasis implies elaborating the conflicts that emerge in the relations of knowledge and power between different peoples and contexts. Conflicts that are inherent to the coloniality of knowledge (which imposes European Modern science and civilization as neutral and universal, subalterning or denying knowledge and cosmoperceptions of ancestral peoples) and the coloniality of power (sustaining, by racist and patriarchal criteria, relations of domination and exploitation between social classes and between peoples). Thus, the educational context of PERI-Capoeira was marked by the encounter between the university (and the colonial guidelines of scientific knowledge) and capoeira, as a dimension of popular knowledge / power rooted in ancestral cosmoperceptions. That is why we rethink intercultural dialogue in a critical and decolonial perspective, as a limit-situation and, at the same time, as unprecedented-viable, which allows us to relive the organizational and epistemological dimensions of intercultural educational practices with “the pain and delight of dialoguing ”.References
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