Bncc, Curriculum, National Curriculum, Emancipatory Education, Eco‑Political‑Pedagogical Project, Intertranscultural EducationAbstract
This article presents the main features of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) approved on 12/15/2017 by the National Board of Education and the challenges to be faced by public and private elementary schools in Brazil to implement it. He argues that if fulfilled as a prescription, he will testify against the autonomy of all subjects of Brazilian education and will deny the Federal Constitution dd 1988, which was called the “Citizen Constitution”. Even because of its meritocratic, individualistic, technical character, full of descriptors of competences and skills for all areas of knowledge, this BNCC is inclined to the interest of the market and will even require the adequacy of curricula of undergraduate courses from all over the country. , to this standard. The alternative for schools and educational networks will be to start from a participatory and emancipatory curriculum reorientation and, after that, to take advantage of the content of the BNCC as a reference for its new curriculum planning, after analyzing, understanding and criticizing it so as not to fall. the pitfalls and setbacks it proposes or imposes on Brazilian education.References
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