Democracy, Human Rights Education, Public PoliciesAbstract
Human rights education in Brazil is part of the democratic agenda, when in the resistance; actions of human solidarity were created, creating the first entities and experiences to promote human rights. Human rights education before it became a state policy was invented on a non-formal basis from experiences of defending the victims of institutional violence, as well as from the experiences of popular education generated in the struggles of civil movements for civil and political rights and for economic, social and cultural rights. The present work intends to systematize and share the trajectory of the construction of the National Plan of Education in Human Rights and its unfolding in the construction of a public agenda having the culture and the teaching of human rights as the central axis of action. Therefore, we use bibliographical and documentary research as well as participant observation in congresses, networks, committees and public management. The results demonstrate the international and national determinations of the creation of PNEDH, as human rights policy frameworks, creating a specific thematic agenda, involving the formulation of a plan and programs of action with the object of action of culture, education and training in human rights.References
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