Paulo Freire, Literacy, Community, TapirapéAbstract
This article presents the encounter between teachers and indigenous Tapirapé designing Freire literacy. Throughout the article are exposed many times when the teaching of of Paulo Freire and teachers Tapirapé narrow, unifying values and educational concepts. It aims to demonstrate how Paulo Freire is current and relevant when it comes to education. His reflections come over time perpetuating and reconstructing realities in the scenario where the research took place. The contributions of the master actually changed the practice teaching. The research is scheduled and has support in the theoretical contributions of Paulo Freire, Emilia Ferreiro, Eunice Dias de Paula, Mario Sergio Cortella and Moacir Gadotti. The paper indicates how literate indigenous children in the language as a didactic Tapirapé words generators and cultural tokens, making it unique for the ability to insert plural man so worthy in society.References
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