sharing significant experiences in elementary education


  • Adalgisa Aparecida Alves Lacerda Author


Diversity, Intellectual disabilities, Elementary education, School inclusion


This article titled shows the results of a research intervention in a school Elementary School, located in the north of the city of Osasco, in greater São Paulo. Discusses the modification of attitudes and postures of students with learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities, with the intention of to enter and participate effectively in diverse educational process and that best meets your needs. The theoretical explanation pervaded the conception of diversity and intellectual disability, based on the approaches of the  document  Reorienting Curriculum Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (2011), proposed by the Department of Education, which suggest diverse and differentiated teaching practices for these students. Weaves comments about teaching nine years established by the National Education Plan (2001), showing the importance of its implementation in educational systems. Through Mantoan (2011), we inferred about the necessity to move toward inclusion, whose realization requires the looks of all the school based on the pursuit of a higher quality work for disabled children or not. Finally, we present the methodology used for the research, as well as how to collect and analyze data. The results showed significant improvements in school performance, since students were more involved and interested in conducting participatory activities, indicating that the dynamics of making teaching was favoring inclusion school. Also points beyond the possibilities, limits and elements that hamper the process of learning in everyday classroom.

Author Biography

  • Adalgisa Aparecida Alves Lacerda

    Pedagoga, psicopedagoga, mestre em Educação Especial pela USP e professora da rede municipal de Osasco.


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How to Cite

THE POSSIBLE INCLUSION: sharing significant experiences in elementary education. (2013). Revista UniFreire Universitas Paulo Freire, 1(1), 9-20.